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8 votes
2 answers

Is there a proof of the formality of configuration spaces of Euclidean spaces that do not involve operads?

By "configuration spaces of $\mathbb{R}^n$" I mean ordered configuration spaces:$$\operatorname{Conf}_k(\mathbb{R}^n) = \{ (x_1,\dots,x_k) \in (\mathbb{R}^n)^k \mid x_i \neq x_j, \, \forall i \neq j \}...
9 votes
0 answers

Does real formality descend to rational formality for operads?

A classical theorem in rational homotopy theory says that a space is formal over $\mathbb{Q}$ iff it is formal over any field of characteristic zero. In other words, the algebra $A^*_{PL}(X)$ is ...
3 votes
0 answers

Completion of coalgebras

Is it possible to complete commutative dg associative (conilpotent) coalgebras over $\mathbb{Q}$ in a way so that when we complete the symmetric coalgebra $Sym(V)$ it becomes completed with respect to ...
5 votes
1 answer

What's a good reference for the following obstruction theory yoga?

Fix a colored operad, which I will leave implicit, and a field $\mathbb K$ of characteristic $0$. By algebra in this post I will mean a dg algebra over $\mathbb K$ for the given colored operad. I ...
18 votes
1 answer

Higher homotopy algebraic structure on the homology of an operad

Given a DGA $A$, then by standard techniques such as homological perturbation theory, the ring structure on the homology $H(A)$ extends to a minimal $A_\infty$-algebra structure such that $H(A)$ is ...