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Projective resolution of a quiver with relations

How do we compute the projective resolution of a representation of a quiver with relations. For example consider the Beilinson quiver $B_4$ $. with the relations ­$\{\alpha_j^k\alpha_i^{k-1}=\alpha_i^...
user52991's user avatar
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Embedding of a derived category into another derived category

I am considering the following two cases: Assume that there is an embedding: $D^b(\mathcal{A})\xrightarrow{\Phi} D^b(\mathbb{P}^2)$and the homological dimension of $\mathcal{A}$ is equal to $1$($\...
user41650's user avatar
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References for quivers and derived categories of coherent sheaves for a string theory student

I'm a student mostly from physics knowledge hoping to learn about the math involved the string theory paper Topological Quiver Matrix Models and Quantum Foam. Context: The topological string theory ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Graded quivers vs "ordinary" quivers and derived categories

I have heard the "slogan" that graded quivers are (derived) equivalent to ordinary quivers (with this "result" being attributed to Keller) and am looking for a precise statement and a reference. By a ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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Predecessors and Successors of regular silting objects in bounded derived categories of wild hereditary algebras

Let $\Lambda$ be a wild hereditary algebra and let $T$ be one of its regular silting objects (i.e. all indecomposable direct summands of $T$ are shifts of indecomposable regular modules). What do we ...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Short proof of the classification of representation-finite symmetric algebras up to stable equivalence

Assume $K$ is an algebraically closed field and $A$ a finite dimensional $K$-algebra. Assume additionally that $A$ is symmetric and representation-finite. Then one has the following classification of ...
Mare's user avatar
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Derived category of varieties and derived category of quiver algebras

I have heard that derived category of coherent sheaves $\mathrm{Coh}(X)$ on any Fano varieties $X$ may be realized as derived category $\mathrm{Coh}(\mathrm{Rep}(Q,W))$ of representation of quiver $Q$ ...
Pooya's user avatar
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The derived category of integral representations of a Dynkin quiver

Let $Q$ be a Dynkin quiver. Let $\mathbb CQ$ be its complex path algebra. It is defined in a way such that modules over $\mathbb CQ$ are the same as representations of the quiver $Q$. Let's write $\...
Rasmus's user avatar
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Are the underlying undirected graphs of two mutation-equivalent acylic quivers isomorphic?

Quiver mutation, defined by Fomin and Zelevinsky, is a combinatorial process. It is important in the representation theory of quivers, in the theory of cluster algebras, and in physics. We consider ...
Josef Knecht's user avatar