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Tangle hypothesis and ribbon category

The tangle hypothesis, when specialized to ordinary framed tangles, says that the framed tangles form the free braided category with all duals (i.e. considered as a 3-category, all the 1- and 2-...
Trebor's user avatar
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Relative strength of Jones and colored Jones polynomials

this is my first post here. I've been studying some Knot Theory and I came to a question concerning invariants. We know that the Jones polynomial is related to the RT-invariant associated to the two-...
Igor Blatt's user avatar
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Jones polynomial of tangles using Temperley-Lieb algbra?

The definition of the Jones polynomial of tangles (a la Reshetikhin and Turaev) uses the space of invariants for $U_q sl_2$ and R-matrices. It seems to me the same thing cane be done in terms of the ...
Reza Rezazadegan's user avatar
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Jones polynomial of the concatenation of two braids

Let $\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$ be two braids with $n$-strings. Are there any formulas relating $J_{\widehat{\sigma_1\sigma_2}}(q)$, $J_{\hat{\sigma_1}}(q)$, and $J_{\hat{\sigma_2}}(q)$? Here, $J_L(q)...
user238927's user avatar
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What is the image of the half/full twist in the Hecke algebra, in the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis? What is the corresponding complex of Soergel bimodules?

Let $B_n$ be the braid group on $n$ strands. It has generators $\tau_i$ for $i = 1,\ldots,n-1$ which exchange the $i$th and $(i+1)$st strands, and which satisfy the relations $\tau_i \tau_j = \tau_j \...
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