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14 votes
4 answers

Is every continuous microlocal operator a pseudo-differential operator?

Let $\mathcal S'=\mathcal S'(\mathbb R^n)$ be the Schwartz distribution space. Suppose $A\colon\mathcal S'\to\mathcal S'$ is linear, continuous and microlocal. By being microlocal I mean that the wave ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Characterization of inverse differential operators

If I have a partial differential operator $p(D)$, where $p$ is a polynomial with constant coefficients and $D$ is the derivative in Euclidean space. Its inverse is easily described in Fourier space: $\...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does the 'reproducing kernel formula' for a bounded open set $U$ define an equivalent norm on the Sobolev space $H^1_0(U)$

We refer to the 'reproducing convolution formula with a kernel' for an open bounded domain $U$ of $R^n$, $n \geq 2$ discussed in the paper of G. Talenti (Annali de Matematica, Dec 1976) on Best ...
Nagaraj Iyengar's user avatar
1 vote
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Does Morrey's inequality contextually relate to Rellic-Kondrachov compactness?

I have been reflecting on this question, and want to share my thinking thus far. I'd be grateful for the community's inputs. We refer to Morrey's inequality, Theorem 4 on pp 266 of Evan's book on PDE, ...
Nagaraj Iyengar's user avatar