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An approach to the prime number theorem with Rademacher variables and a recursive formula for the prime pi function?

Consider the bipartite graphs defined here: Why is this bipartite graph a partial cube, if it is? We do random walks on them with equal propability and since the graphs are finite and connected the ...
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Motivated account of the prime number theorem and related topics

Though my own research interests (described below) are pretty far from analytic number theory, I have always wanted to understand the prime number theorem and related topics. In particular, I often ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Numbers related to the Riemann hypothesis

Are there numbers $k > 1$ and $c > 1$ such that: 1 ) $\theta(c) \geq c \left( 1-\frac{1}{5 \ln^2(c)} \right) $ 2 ) $\frac{c}{1+\frac{1}{\ln^4(c)}} \leq p(\pi(c))$ where $p(n)$ is the $n$-th ...
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