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American put option pricing by "binomial trees"

I'm teaching a financial mathematics course and have found a fascinating (to me) numerical phenomenon and wonder if anyone has studied it, or knows anything similar. I'll try and give a description ...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
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Elliptic PDEs in Finance

In mathematical finance, one often encounters parabolic PDEs typically through the Feynman-Kac representation theorem/formula. However, I'm curious are there interesting examples of Elliptic boundary ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Large deviation bound for O-U process

Assume $X_t$ is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in the form of $$ d X_t = -\alpha X_t dt + \sigma dB_t $$ Is there an exponential bound (large-deviation bound) for $$ P\left( \max_{t\le T} |X_t| \ge z \...
Nikolayevich's user avatar
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Is the "hybrid" Black-Scholes Hull-White model arbitrage free?

Given a "hybrid" Black-Scholes Hull White (BSHW) model. That is, the stock price is modelled by a Black Scholes SDE: \begin{equation} dS(t) = \mu(t)S(t)dt + \sigma_{S}(t)S(t)dW^{\mathbb{P}}_{S}(t) \...
Strickland's user avatar
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Stochastic integral with respect to a random field

I came across a generalized Black-Scholes equation formulation in this paper. Let me highlight the basic idea below. Consider a random field $W(t,T)$ where for a fixed $T$, $W$ is a Brownian motion ...
Heisenberg's user avatar