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What are some of the surprising results of finite sample statistical estimation?

I'm trying to familiarize myself with the latest results in finite sample statistics. It seems to me that these results can be classified into two categories: Unsurprising results confirm that the ...
Mike Izbicki's user avatar
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The behavior of a uniform order statistic near zero

Let $X_{(k)}$ be the $k$th order statistic out of $n$ uniform $[0,1]$ random variables. Let $q$ be the location of the $p$ quantile of $X_{(k)}$, i.e. $\Pr[X_{(k)}\leq q] = p$. For small $p$, Is it ...
Jen C's user avatar
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Local behavior of the Vandermonde convolution

An interesting combinatorial identity is the Vandermonde convolution identity: $$ \sum_k {n\choose k}{m\choose s-k} = {n+m \choose s},$$ which can be proved by considering the coefficients in $(x+1)^{...
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