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Functional-analytic proof of the existence of non-symmetric random variables with vanishing odd moments

It is known that a random variable $X$ which is symmetric about $0$ (i.e $X$ and $-X$ have the same distribution) must have all its odd moments (when they exist!) equal to zero. The converse is a ...
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Existence of preferred direction for a random vector with arbitrary distribution on sphere, under a condition on its covariance matrix

Let $X$ be random vector on the unit-sphere $S_{n-1}$ in $\mathbb R^n$. We don't assume that the distribution of $X$ is uniform on $S_{n-1}$ I'm interested in proving the existence of a (...
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Eigenvalues of Witten Laplacian induced by log-concave probability measure on manifold

Let $M$ be a closed $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold and let $\mu=e^{-V}d\mathrm{vol}_M$ be a log-concave probability measure on $M$, such that the pair $(M,\mu)$ verifies the so-called Bakry-Emery ...
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Integration by parts for indicator of a sphere to indicator of a ball

Broadly speaking, I have a radial distribution on $\mathbb R^n$, i.e., the pdf only depends on the $\ell_2$-norm of the argument. I would like to obtain an expression for the pdf in the form $\int_{w=...
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$\newcommand\v{\operatorname{vol}_d(C}$Compact subsets of $ℝ^d$ which maximize $\inf_{|v|\le1}\dfrac{\v\cap(𝜀v+C))}{\v)}$ for fixed $\v)$ and $𝜀>0$

Let $\operatorname{vol}_d$ be the volume measure on $\mathbb R^d$ and let $B_d$ be the unit-ball. For $\varepsilon \ge 0$ and a compact subset $C$ of $\mathbb R^d$ with $\operatorname{vol}_d(C)>0$, ...
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Strong data-processing inequality ? Upper bound on a certain modified total-variation metric

Let $\mathcal X=(\mathcal X,d)$ be a Polish space equipped with the Borel sigma-algebra. Let $p\ge 1$ and $P_1,P_2$ be probability distributions on $\mathcal X$ such that $\max_{k=1,2}\int d(x,x_0)^...
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