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Questions tagged [perfect-matchings]

A perfect matching is a matching of all the vertices of a graph. In other words, a perfect matching is a set of edges such that each vertex of the graph is incident to exactly one edge in the set.

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Bound on the number of maximum matchings in a graph

It is known that the number of perfect matchings in a graph is bounded above by the integer part of the square root of the permanent of its adjacency matrix. But, suppose I take the square root of the ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Spanning subgraphs defined via $K_4$ matchings

I have by accident found an interesting kind of spanner of complete symmetric graphs $G(V,E)$ with weighted edges. What I actually had planned was to implement an algorithm for calculating certain non-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Do all induced subgraphs of powers of cycles have a perfect matching

Do all independence induced subgraphs of powers of cycles have a distinct 1-factor? By independence induced, I mean those induced subgraphs which are formed by removing a maximal independent set of ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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What is known about iterated matching as a TSP heuristic

A fairly wellknown heuristic for TSP that is based on matching is described in the 2003 paper Match twice and stitch: a new TSP tour construction heuristic by Andrew B. Kahng and Sherief Reda. Its ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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