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Zeros of $p$-adic power series and rationality

Let $K$ be a non-archimedean field with valuation ring $(V,\mathfrak{m})$, and $K\langle t_1,\ldots, t_n\rangle$ a Tate algebra of convergent power series. Fix $f \in V\langle t_1,\ldots, t_n\rangle$....
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What role, if any, do Archimedean valuations play in adic spaces?

I've been reading about adic spaces, and I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to the theory if one included in the definition of $Spa$ Archimedean valuations as well...? Is there a weird ...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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Bezout-type theorem for $p$-adic analytic plane curves

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $f,g \in \mathbb{Z}_p[[x,y]]$ be power series convergent on all of $\mathbb{Z}_p$. Suppose that the intersection of the analytic plane curves cut out by $f$ and $g$ is ...
Ashvin Swaminathan's user avatar
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Projective reduction of image of power series is algebraic?

Let $K$ be a non-archimedean field with closed unit disk $\mathcal{O}\subset K$, open unit disk $\mathfrak{m}\subset \mathcal{O}$ and residue field $k = \mathcal{O}/\mathfrak{m}$. Examples to keep in ...
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Notion of connected components for $\mathbb{Q}_p$-points of algebraic variety

Is there an interesting notion of connected components for the $\mathbb{Q}_p$-points of an algebraic variety over $\mathbb{Q}_p$? By "interesting" I mean a notion satisfying the following. ...
Jacques's user avatar
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Wondering if Monsky-Washnitzer ever published a result claimed to be forthcoming in a later paper

At the very end of the paper Formal Cohomology I by Monsky and Washnitzer, they write the following: "In some sense, the operator $\psi$ applied to a power series gives it "better growth ...
Vik78's user avatar
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The bound for zeros of the composition of polynomials and analytic functions

Suppose $K$ is a number field, and $A\in M_n(K)$. $v$ is a place of $K$, and $f_1,\cdots,f_n$ are analytic functions (one variable) on $m_v\mathcal O_{K,v}$, satisfying: $\frac{\mathrm d \bf {f}}{\...
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