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5 votes
1 answer

What is the theory of computably saturated models of ZFC with an *externally well-founded* predicate?

For any model of $M$ of ZFC, we can extend it to a model $M_{ew}$ with an "externally well-founded" predicate $ew$. For $x \in M$, We say that $M_{ew} \vDash ew(x)$ when there is no infinite ...
6 votes
5 answers

Standard models of N and R: An Alice/Bob approach

This is a question about a comment in a recent publication by Roman Kossak. Kossak wrote: "Nonstandardness in set theory has a different nature. In arithmetic, there is one intended object of ...
9 votes
1 answer

Transfinitely iterating the Levi-Civita, Hahn or Puiseux constructions

This question was originally asked at MSE but seems too advanced, so I'm reposting it here. In short, the idea is that many constructions for non-Archimedean fields can naturally be iterated, in some ...
22 votes
5 answers

What is the spectrum of possible cofinality types for cuts in an ordered field? Or in a model of the hyperreals? Or in a nonstandard model of arithmetic?

I am interested to know the full range of possibilities for the cofinality type of cuts in an ordered field and in other structures, such as nonstandard models of arithmetic. Definitions. ...
6 votes
1 answer

Cofinality of infinitesimals

Suppose $\kappa$ is an infinite cardinal and $U$ is a countably incomplete uniform ultrafilter over $\kappa$. Then $\mathbb R^\kappa/U$ is nonstandard. What is the cofinality of the set of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a model of ZF+ACC where transfer fails for the definable hyperreals?

In 2003 Kanovei and Shelah constructed a definable hyperreal field. The ultrapower used exploits a fairly large index set so that it is clear that the usual proof of Los and transfer does not go ...
22 votes
4 answers

Non-ZFC set theory and nonuniqueness of the hyperreals: problem solved?

The reals are the unique complete ordered field. The hyperreals $\mathbb{R}^*$ are not unique in ZFC, and many people seemed to think this was a serious objection to them. Abraham Robinson responded ...
20 votes
2 answers

Is non-existence of the hyperreals consistent with ZF?

I know that it is possible to construct the hyperreal number system in ZFC by using the axiom of choice to obtain a non-principal ultrafilter. Would the non-existence of a set of hyperreals be ...
20 votes
5 answers

Isomorphism types or structure theory for nonstandard analysis

My question is about nonstandard analysis, and the diverse possibilities for the choice of the nonstandard model R*. Although one hears talk of the nonstandard reals R*, there are of course many non-...