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Any useful bases for the topology induced by the $t$-Wasserstein distance?

I am working on $\mathbb R ^d$ equipped with the usual Euclidean metric. I know of one nice base for $\mathcal W _t$, namely: $$\left\{ B_p (r) : r>0, p=\sum_{i=1} ^n \alpha_i \delta_{x_i},\text{ ...
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Lipschitz approximation of a probability measure with finite $1$-st moment by the ones with finite $p$-th moment

For $p \in [1, \infty)$, let $\mathcal P_p (\mathbb{R^d})$ be the space of Borel probability measures on $\mathbb R^d$ with finite $p$-th moment. We endow $\mathcal P_p (\mathbb{R^d})$ with the ...
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Can we control the Wasserstein metric between $\mu$ and $\nu$ by their moment difference?

Fix $p \in [1, \infty)$. Let $(\mathcal P_p(\mathbb R^d), W_p)$ be the Wasserstein space of all Borel probability measures on $\mathbb R^d$ with finite $p$-th moment. Let $D_p$ be the collection of ...
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How to find the point at minimal average distance of a given measure

Given a compactly supported probability measure $m$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$, we can define its average distance to a point $x$ as $\int_\mathbb{R^n}d(x,y)dm(y)$. In this question I found that for a given ...