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Questions tagged [local-rings]

66 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Asymptotic stability of prime divisors

Suppose $I$ is an ideal in a formally equidimensional local ring $R.$ Let $A(I)$ and $\overline A(I)$ denote Ass$R/I^n$ and Ass$R/\overline{I^n}$ for all large $n$ respectively. My question is What ...
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Intersections of Noetherian regular local rings of finite Krull dimensions

Let us consider Noetherian regular local rings $R_i$ of finite Krull-dimensions for each $i \geq 1$ such that \begin{equation*} R_1 \supset R_2 \supset \cdots \end{equation*} Suppose each embedding $\...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Popescu-Neron Desingularization for K[[T_1,...,T_∞]]

Let $K[[T_1,...,T_n]]$ be a finitely many variables formal power series ring over a field $K$. Dorin Popescu proved that there are smooth algebras $A_{\lambda}$'s which are of finite type over $K$ ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Automorphism on F_2[[X,S]]

Let us define the automorphism $\sigma$ on ${\Bbb F}_2[[X,S]]$ such that $\sigma \colon S \mapsto S + S^2 + S^3$ $\sigma \colon X \mapsto X + S$. It is easy to see that the ideal $(S)$ is stable ...
user44755's user avatar
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Super-Gorenstein ideal of ${\Bbb F}_p[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$

Let $A \colon= {\Bbb F}_p[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ be a $n$-variable power series ring over a finite field ${\Bbb F}_p$. We put ${\frak m}_A \colon= (X_1,\ldots,X_n)$. Definition(Super-Gorenstein ideal): $...
Pierre's user avatar
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Universally catenary and all its formal fibers over minimal members are Cohen-Macaulay but it has a nonCohen-Macaulay formal fiber

Please help me to find a Noetherian local ring $R$ such that: $R$ is universally catenary and all its formal fibers over minimal members of $Spec(R)$ are Cohen-Macaulay but $R$ has a nonCohen-Macaulay ...
TNAn's user avatar
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Krull's intersection theorem for commutative local not necessarily noetherian rings

Is there a characterisation of those commutative local not necessarily noetherian rings that satisfy Krull's intersection theorem ? How can the intersection theorem be phrased in terms the module ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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Length of generic intersection in local ring

Let $(R, \mathfrak{m})$ be a regular local ring and let $I\subset R$ be an ideal of coheight 1. Let $a \in \mathfrak{m}\setminus \mathfrak{m}^2$. If $a$ that is not a zero divisor of $R/I$ we have ...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
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Finite monomorphism $A \to B$ with reduced $A$ and special fiber implies $B$ reduced

I have a question about correctness of following statement claimed here in $\boxed{2} \ $: Let $k$ arbitrary field, let $f : X \longrightarrow Y$ be a finite dominant morphism between finite type $k$-...
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When a given set of primes of height 1 is a set associated primes of an element

Let $R$ be a Noetherian local ring of dimension $\geq 3$ and $\{p_1,\ldots , p_n\}$ be a collection of prime ideals of height $1$. Does there exist an element $x\in R$ such that $Ass(R/xR)=\{p_1,\...
Cusp's user avatar
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When is $u \circ v=v \circ u$ for $p$-adic power series $u$ and $v$ in two power series rings $A$ and $B$ respectively?

Let $K \supset \mathbb{Q}_p$ be the $p$-adic field with ring of integers $O_K$ and maximal ideal $m_K$. Let $\bar K$ be the algebraic closure and $\bar{m}_K$ be the integral closure of $m_K$ with ...
MAS's user avatar
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A question about strict henselian local rings

Let $f: X\to Y$ be a finite morphism of schemes, let $y\in Y, Y(\bar{y}):={\rm Spec}(\mathscr{O}_{Y, \bar{y}}), X_{\bar{y}}:=X\times_Y{\rm Spec}(\kappa_y^s)=X_y\otimes_{\kappa_y}\kappa_y^s, X({\bar{y}}...
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On the product in the power series ring

Let $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n,Y_1,\ldots,Y_n]]$ be a power series ring over a field $K$ in $2n$ variables and ${\frak m}_{A_n}$ be the unique maximal ideal of $A_n$. Suppose we have two ...
Pierre's user avatar
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a generalization of group (monoid with order-by-order invertible elements)

Fix a filtered monoid, $H=H_0\supsetneq H_1\supsetneq H_2\supsetneq\cdots$. Suppose for any $h\in H$ and any $n\in \Bbb{N}$ exists $h_n\in H$ such that $h\cdot h_n\in H_n$ and $h_n\cdot h\in H_n$. If ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Ring algebraically closed in its completion.

First I would like to be clear about the definition, which I am having trouble finding. What does: The local ring $A$ is algebraically closed in $B\supset A$. (e.g. for $B:=\hat{A}$, the completion ...
O.R.'s user avatar
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Example of a ring whose minimals are annihilators of idempotents?

I'm looking for examples† of rings with the property that for each $P={\rm Ann}_R(a)\in{\rm Min}(R)$ then $a\in R$ is idempotent (ie $a^2=a$) † other than domains!
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