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What is the Birkhoff norm of a Perron vector?

Let $A$ be a positive matrix. What is known about the Birkhoff norm of its Perron vector? By the Birkhoff norm of a vector $x$ I refer to the quantity $\frac{\max{x}}{\min{x}}$. P.S. This is ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Nuclear norm as minimum of Frobenius norm product

Nuclear, or trace, or Ky Fan, norm of a matrix is defined as the sum of the singular values of the matrix. It is claimed that $$ \|X\|_\sigma = \min_{UV^T=X} \|U\|\|V\| = \min_{UV^T=X} \frac{1}{2}(\|...
Hans's user avatar
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Relation between the subordinate norm and the spectral radius of a matrix

Let's define the following subordinate norm of a $(NM \times NM)$ matrix A norm as follows \begin{eqnarray*} ||A||_{2,b} = \mathrm{max}_{x \in \mathbb{C}^{NM}} \left \{ \frac{||A x||_b}{||x||_2} \...
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