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Decomposing an endomorphism as a tensor product

$\DeclareMathOperator\End{End}$Let $f$ be an endomorphism of the finite-dimensional vector space $V$, over the field $K$. The question of whether $f$ is decomposable, that is, whether $V$ can be ...
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Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence

The Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence induces the traditional, finite Galois correspondence by suitable restriction; I've been pondering two things: 1. Are there any (other) interesting applications of ...
Stephan F. Kroneck's user avatar
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Infinite Galois correspondence "according to Artin"

Ever since Artin's lectures on Galois Theory one knows how to set up and derive the usual Galois correspondence in the finite(-dimensional) case using just a bit of elementary Linear Algebra, and ...
Stephan F. Kroneck's user avatar
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Linearity of a canonical morphism related to scalar extension and coextension

Let $h\colon R\rightarrow S$ be a morphism of commutative ring. Let $M$ and $N$ be $R$-modules. We consider the canonical morphism of $R$-modules $$p\colon{\rm Hom}_R(S\otimes_RM,N)\rightarrow{\rm Hom}...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Bounding the length of an R-module of matrices

Loosely related to this: Bounding the length in a module of evaluated skew polynomials Let $C$ be an $\mathbb{F}_q$-vector subspace of $m \times n$ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$. Assume WLOG that $m \...
JBuck's user avatar
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Bounding the length in a module of evaluated skew polynomials

Let $R$ be a finite principal ideal ring, $S$ a Galois extension of $R$ of degree $m$ (so in particular $S$ is a free $R$-module of rank $m$, and we have an $R$-module isomorphism $S^n \cong \...
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Has anyone studied this possible generalisation of the Singular Value Decomposition to all commutative $*$-rings?

I don't know any abstract algebraists personally, which is why I'm asking this question here. Let $(R,*)$ be a commutative $*$-ring where $*:R \to R$ is an involution. Each conjecture below is stated ...
wlad's user avatar
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Is it true that the generator of maximal ideal in $M_n(P[x])$ can be choosen to be monic?

Let $P$ be a finite field and $R=M_n(P[x])$ be a matrix polynomial ring. I want to prove that for every polynomial (not necessary with invertible leading term) $A(x)\in R$ such that $R\cdot A(x)$ is ...
Mikhail Goltvanitsa's user avatar