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Mixed integer formulation of union of polytopes?

Given $t$ different unbounded polyhedra $P_1:A^{(1)}x^{(1)}\leq b^{(1)},\dots,P_t:A^{(t)}x^{(t)}\leq b^{(t)}$ we are looking for the representation of $\bigcup_{i=1}^tP_i$ (not their convex hull) with ...
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Finding a point in the relative interior of the convex hull of a set of integer-valued vectors

Let $X \subset \mathbb{Z}^n$ be the set of integer-valued vectors satisfying a system of linear constraints. We can suppose that $X$ is the set of integral points in a given polyhydral set $Y \subset \...
rasul's user avatar
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On OR condition in Linear Programming with exponentially many constraints [closed]

Suppose we have two linear programs $Ax\leq b$ and $Bx\leq c$ is there a way to combine them into one program of possibly a larger dimension $Cy\leq d$ such that projection of vectors $y$ into a ...
Turbo's user avatar
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How to minimize n-polytope's bounding box with linear transformation?

I am working on an exact algorithm for integer linear programming for my master's thesis: $Ax\leq b, x \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ $cx\rightarrow min$ For my idea to work out, I need a guarantee that n-...
Иван Шумилов's user avatar
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existence of lattice point in polytope

This question was probably asked before but here goes. I have a convex polytope given by $Ax\leq b$ for a specific integer matrix $A$ and integer vector $b$. I need a simple method/result on how to ...
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