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Examples of elementary group of isometries of the ideal boundary of hyperbolic plane

A Riemannian manifold $(X,g)$ is called Hadamard manifold if it is complete and simply connected and has everywhere non-positive sectional curvature. An example of such a manifold would be the ...
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What is the expression of first eigen function of Laplacian on Hyperbolic plane?

Let $\Delta$ be the Laplacian (a positive operator) on $H^2$ the hyperbolic plane. My question is what is the expression of the eigenfunction $\Delta f= f/4$? (say in the ploar coordiante)
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Gradient estimate of the eigenfunction of Laplacian on hyperbolic space

I am trying to understand the asymptotic behaviors of the gradient of the eigenfunction function of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{H}^2$. Specifically, my focus lies on ...
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