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Example of zero Lyapunov exponentes

Assume that $(T, A)$ is a linear cocycle such that $T:X\rightarrow X$ is a homemorphism on compact metric space $X$ and $A:X\rightarrow SL(2, \mathbb{R})$ is a continuous function. We say that an ...
4 votes
1 answer

When entropy SRB measure is zero

It is well known that many strongly chaotic dynamical systems have the property that periodic measures are (weak-star) dense in the space of all invariant probability measures. Let $f:M \rightarrow ...
4 votes
1 answer

Lipschitz property of holonomies fails when stable leaves $W^s(x)$ inside the leaves $W^{ss}(x)$

Let $M$ be compact manifold. suppose $f:M\rightarrow M$ is $C^{2}$. There is a continuous splitting of the tangent bundle $TM=E^{ss}+E^{s}+E^{u}$ invariant under the derivative $Df$ of the ...
3 votes
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Question on a proof of density of periodic orbits

In page 215 and 216 of the book "Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems" by Anatole Katok, Boris Hasselblatt, there is a theorem stated as following: Theorem: Let $\Gamma$ be a ...
2 votes
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Algebraic approach to prove the mixing property of Lorenz flow on hyperbolic surface

We knew that the noncompact subgroups of SL(2,$\mathbb{R}$) are mixing by Howe-Moore ergodicity theorem. I am curious about Lorenz flow, if we have a algebraic approach to prove the mixing property of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Ergodicity and mixing of geodesic and horocyclic flows

I am reading a theorem about the ergodicity and mixing of geodesic and horocyclic flows on unit tangent bundle of a compact hyperbolic surface. I find that there are two ways (be listed below) to ...