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9 votes
2 answers

Riemannian submersions from complex hyperbolic space into the hyperbolic space

Is there a (canonical) Riemannian submersion from the complex hyperbolic space $\mathbb C\mathbb H^n$ into the hyperbolic space $\mathbb H^n$? In the affirmative case, what can we say about the ...
Marcos Petrúcio Cavalcante's user avatar
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Isometric immersion of $\mathbb H^2$ into $\mathbb R^\infty$ built by Bieberbach

I'm analyzing the following isometric immersion of $(\mathbb H^2,g_D)$ in $(\ell^2,g_\infty)$ given by $f(x,y)=(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_{2m-1},x_{2m},\dots)$ with \begin{align}\label{5.1} x_{2m-1}=\color{...
Zaragosa's user avatar
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3 votes
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Schwarz Lemma in terms of conformal surfaces or holomorphic curves?

Scharwz Lemma in its general form says that any holomorphic map between hyperbolic surfaces is contracting. Noting that Riemann surfaces admit a unique metric of constant curvature -1, I wonder if we ...
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Geometric and holomorphic structure of $\mathbb{C} \rtimes \mathbb{C} \setminus \{ 0 \}$

Put $G= \mathbb{C} \rtimes_{\phi} \mathbb{C} \setminus \{0\}$ where $\phi_{a} (z)= az$ for $a \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \{0\}$. $G$ is a real $4$ dimensional Lie group; then it has a unique left ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar