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States "absorbed" by a Haar idempotent on a compact quantum group

Firstly, a small question of nomenclature. If $(S,\bullet)$ is a magma, is there good terminology to relate $a$ to $b$ when $$a\bullet b=b=b\bullet a?$$ Can we say that $b$ absorbs $a$? Can we say ...
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Invariance of Finite Dimensional Woronowicz $\mathrm{C}^*$-ideals under the Antipode

Let $(A,\Delta)=:F(G)$ be a finite dimensional $\mathrm{C}^*$-Hopf algebra, and so the algebra of functions on a quantum group $G$. Let $J$ be a closed ideal in $F(G)$ and $\pi:F(G)\rightarrow F(G)/J$...
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Quantum group representations from (convolution) matrix units?

Let $A=F(\mathbb{G})$ be the algebra of functions on a finite quantum group with a Haar state $$h=:\int_\mathbb{G}:F(\mathbb{G})\rightarrow \mathbb{C}.$$ There is a convolution product on $A=F(\...
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dimension of induced comodule

Let $\pi : G \to H$ be epimorphism of Hopf superalgebras, where $G$ be an quantum super group of function on $GL(m|n)$, $H$ be an quantum group of function on $GL(m) \otimes GL(n)$; $W$ an finite ...
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