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Are there non-obvious finite $E_\infty$ ring spectra?

I see two "obvious" classes of nonzero finite $E_\infty$ ring spectra $R$: $R = \Sigma^\infty_+ (S^1)^{\times n}$ $R = D\Sigma^\infty_+ X$ ($X$ a finite space) Questions: Are there any others? In ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Descent vs effective descent for morphisms of ring spectra

Define a homomorphism $\varphi : A \to B$ of commutative discrete rings or commutative ring spectra to be a (effective) descent morphism if the comparison functor from $\mathsf{Mod}_A$ to the category ...
Brendan Murphy's user avatar
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Did the Goerss-Hopkins manuscript "Multiplicative stable homotopy theory" ever appear?

A citation to "M. J. Hopkins and P. Goerss, Multiplicative stable homotopy theory, unpublished manuscript, 1996" appears in the Hill, Hopkins, Ravenel Annals paper on the Kervaire invariant. It was ...
David White's user avatar
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Variations on Thomason's equivalence between connective spectra and symmetric monoidal categories

There's a number of results relating monoidal categories to connective spectra (which are themselves equivalent to $\mathbb{E}_{\infty}$-spaces): Symmetric monoidal categories model all connective ...
Emily's user avatar
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$\mathbb Z \otimes_\mathbb S \mathbb Z$ is concentrated in degree $0$ : mistake in the argument

I'm not sure this is research level so if this is not appropriate, feel free to move the question to StackExchange. However, I post it here since my "fake proof" is based on a (recent) paper and I'm ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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Truncation and connected cover of spectra

Let $X$ be an $n$-connective spectrum for some $n\in \mathbb{Z}$. Is then $[X, Y] = [X, Y\langle n\rangle]$ for all spectra $Y$, where $Y\langle n\rangle$ denotes the $n$-connective cover of $Y$? ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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What is the group completion of the underlying multiplicative $\mathbb{E}_\infty$-monoid of the sphere spectrum?

I recently noticed the following categorical/universal way to describe the passage from $\mathbb{Z}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$: We start with the categroy $\mathsf{Sets}^{\mathrm{actv}}_*$ of pointed sets and —...
Emily's user avatar
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