I recently noticed the following categorical/universal way to describe the passage from $\mathbb{Z}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$:
- We start with the categroy $\mathsf{Sets}^{\mathrm{actv}}_*$ of pointed sets and — borrowing terminology from HA — active morphisms of pointed sets, i.e. pointed maps $f\colon(X,x_0)\to(Y,y_0)$ satisfying $f^{-1}(y_0)=x_0$
- Then, the free pointed set functor $(-)^+\colon\mathsf{Sets}\to\mathsf{Sets}^{\mathrm{actv}}_*$ can be shown to admit a left adjoint, given by the functor $(-)^-\colon\mathsf{Sets}^{\mathrm{actv}}_*\to\mathsf{Sets}$ sending $(X,x_0)$ to $X\setminus\{x_0\}$.
- Taking categories of monoids with respect to the smash product and the Cartesian product gives a functor $$(-)^-\colon\mathsf{Mon}(\mathsf{Sets}^{\mathrm{actv}}_*)\to\mathsf{Mon}.$$ Here the objects in the former category are "integral monoids with zero", i.e. monoids $A$ equipped with a zero element $0$ satisfying $a0=a0=0$ for all $a\in A$ and such that $xy=0$ implies $x=0$ or $y=0$.
- Finally, there is a group completion functor $\mathsf{Mon}\to\mathsf{Grp}$, so we obtain a composite $$\mathsf{Mon}(\mathsf{Sets}^{\mathrm{actv}}_*)\to\mathsf{Grp}.$$ The image of $(\mathbb{Z},\cdot,1)$ under this functor then recovers the multiplicative group of nonzero rational numbers $\mathbb{Q}^\times$.
Question. Can this procedure be adapted to the $\infty$-setting, and, assuming so, what would the group completion of $\mathbb{S}^-$, the "underlying multiplicative $\mathbb{E}_\infty$-monoid" of the sphere spectrum be?