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Are these comparison morphisms between Čech and Grothendieck cohomology the same?

For better or for worse, there is more than one approach to comparing Čech cohomology $\smash{\check{H}}^\bullet(\mathfrak{U},X;\mathscr{F})$ of a sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ on a space $X$ w.r.t the cover $\...
FShrike's user avatar
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Does the de Rham complex induce a functorial soft resolution of the category of cochain complexes of sheaves of vector spaces on a smooth manifold?

I apologize in advance if this is pretty straightforward; I'm a differential geometer and physicist by training so my homological algebra and homotopy theory are a bit weak. Question: Let $M$ be a ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Cohomology of $Sym^m Q \otimes Sym^k Q \otimes L^p$

Let $V$ be a complex vector space. Let $L=\mathcal{O}(-1)$ and $Q=V/L$ be the quotient bundle over $\mathbb{P}V$. I'm trying to compute the cohomologies with coefficients in $Sym^m Q \otimes Sym^k Q \...
clementine's user avatar
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Grothendieck spectral sequence (cohomology version) for posets with functor coefficient

In this paper, Quillen mentioned a spectral sequence as follows. Let $f:X\to Y$ is a poset map and $\mathcal{F}:X\to Ab$, where $Ab$ is the category of abelian groups, a functor which is contravariant ...
GURI920826's user avatar
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Spectral sequence from resolution of condensed abelian groups

I am watching Scholze's and Clausen's masterclass on Condensed Mathematics and I don't understand or can find any references on something they said. You have a resolution $$ \dots \to \mathbb{Z}[\...
Sofía Marlasca Aparicio's user avatar
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$\operatorname{Ext}^2(O,\omega)$ as a higher extension on $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$

Let $X = \mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$ over a field $k$ and consider $Ext^2(\mathcal{O}_X,\omega_X)\cong H^2(\omega_X) = H^2(\mathcal{O}_X(-2,-2)) = k$ Let $C = \mathbb{P}^1$. By Kunneth $H^2(\...
solbap's user avatar
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Are flasque sheaves exactly the retracts of "canonically" flasque sheaves?

Let $X$ be a topological space. Let $X^\delta$ denote the space whose elements are the points of $X$, and which is equipped with the discrete topology. There is a continuous map $i : X^\delta\to X$ ...
Patrick Nicodemus's user avatar
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A infinity structure on Yoneda Ext group

I am currently trying to control an $A_\infty$-algebra of the form $\mathrm{Ext}_X(F\oplus F'[2n-2],F\oplus F'[2n-2])$ where $X$ is a nice enough scheme and $F,F'$ are sheaves that are NOT locally ...
Felix's user avatar
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Čech-Alexander complex in computing (crystalline/prismatic) cohomology

I have a naive question about Čech-Alexander complexes in prismatic cohomology (although I suspect that the situation is similar for crystalline cohomology). They seemed to be introduced as a method ...
student123's user avatar
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Künneth formula for local cohomology with support

In "Differential operators on the flag varieties" ( by Brylinski, he uses on page 53 a Künneth formula for local cohomology with ...
KKD's user avatar
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Generalising the Mayer-Vietoris principle

My understanding of the general Mayer-Vietoris principle is as follows. We want to compute the cohomology of some sheaf $\mathscr{F}$. We start by taking a resolution $$\mathscr{F}_0 \rightarrow \...
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