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Isometries of Hilbert space

It is easy to see that for any $x$ and $y$ on the unit sphere of a Hilbert space $H$ there exists a surjective isometry $U$ such that $Ux=y$. Does something more general also hold? That is, given two ...
5 votes
2 answers

Isometric embeddings of metric spaces in Hilbert spaces

There are plenty of isometric embeddings of metric spaces in Banach spaces. Nevertheless, I have been unable to find any significant result on isometric embeddings into Hilbert spaces. My question is: ...
2 votes
1 answer

Homogeneous subsets of the sphere

Let $S$ be a (unit) sphere in a Hilbert Space $H$ with $\dim H \ge 3$. Let $A \subset S$ have the following properties: $A$ is connected; The affine hull of $A$ is the whole space; For every $x,y\in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Partial isometries making families of linearly independent vectors orthogonal

Suppose I have a family of $n$ linearly-independent elements $v_i$ of the Hilbert space $\mathbb{C}^m$, which are not necessarily orthogonal. Can I always find a partial isometry $f: \mathbb{C} ^m \to ...