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8 votes
1 answer

How do sets with unit fractional Hausdorff measure of dimension $>1$ look like?

Triggered by the recent question How can we not know the measure of the Sierpiński triangle? I would like to ask: Let $s>1$ and $s$ not be an integer. How to construct a set $A$ with $\mathfrak{H}^...
5 votes
0 answers

Naïve definition of a measure on a fractal

This question was previously posted on MSE. Let $K\subset \mathbb R^2$ be a compact fractal of Hausdorff dimension $1<d<2$. I want to define a natural measure on $K$. One option would be to use ...
13 votes
1 answer

Are there any exact results for Hausdorff Measure?

The computation of the Hausdorff measure is extremely difficult due to the infimum appearing in its definition. This has made the calculation of the Hausdorff measure for nearly all fractals difficult ...