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4 votes
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Duality for finite quotient groups of finitely generated free abelian groups

$\newcommand{\Z}{{\Bbb Z}} \newcommand{\Q}{{\Bbb Q}} \newcommand{\Hom}{{\rm Hom}} $ The following lemma is certainly known. Lemma (well-known). Let $B$ be a lattice (that is, a finitely generated ...
12 votes
1 answer

Is there an eigenvalue of modulus larger than 1?

Given a matrix $A\in \operatorname{SL}_d(\mathbb{Z})$ (the special linear group) satisfying the two conditions: (1) no eigenvalue of $A$ is a root of unity, (2) the characteristic polynomial of $A$ is ...
5 votes
1 answer

Permanent of a Kronecker product of matrices

It is well known that $\det(A \otimes B) = \det(A)^m \det(B)^n$ when $A$ and $B$ are square matrices of size $n$ and $m$ where $\otimes$ denotes the Kronecker product. Question: Is there a similar ...
15 votes
4 answers

What is known about ordinary character values at involutions?

Let $G$ be a finite group and let $\chi$ be the character of an irreducible complex representation $\rho$ of $G$ on $V$. Let $x$ be an involution in $G$. I'd like to ask the following Question 1: ...
1 vote
0 answers

Algebraic structures on graphs

There are many algebraic structures linked to graphs. For example one can find zero divisor graphs $[1]$, $[2]$ and many other graphs. Does there exist any survey paper which characterizes all the ...
3 votes
3 answers

A table for irreducible integral representation of finite cyclic groups

Is there such a table where the irreducible integral representations of finite cyclic groups are listed? Edited: Thanks for Todd Leason's comment.Acutally,i want to know all inequivalent ...
4 votes
1 answer

On the divisibility of the special linear group of degree $n$ over an algebraically closed field

Let $n$ be a positive integer, $p$ a (positive rational) prime, and $\mathbb K$ an algebraically closed field. If ${\rm char}(\mathbb K) = 0$ then ${\rm GL}_n(\mathbb K)$ is divisible (see here). But ...
3 votes
4 answers

A polynomial homomorphism from Gl to the group of units is a power of the determinant

I was browsing MO and stumbled upon this post, and I got very curious. I searched for about half an hour and could not find a proof for the statement that any polynomial group homomorphism $\mathrm{Gl}...
8 votes
2 answers

Centralizers in GL(n,p)

There appear to be a number of rational canonical forms. The best thing about standards is how many there are to choose from. However, the standard I choose seems to have a centralizer that is ...