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Unramified section associated to a rational point

This is a question for those familiar with the section conjecture, so I'll do away with the definition of a ramification map in this case. Here is the definition of a ramification map from an etale ...
oleout's user avatar
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Question about the specialization map for Etale Fundamental Groups

Let $A$ be a complete, discrete valuation ring, and let $s$ (resp $\eta$) be the special (resp. generic) point of $S=Spec(A)$. Let $\phi:X \rightarrow S$ be a proper morphism and fix geometric base ...
KristianJS's user avatar
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What is the étale fundamental group of projective spaces over finite fields?

Is there any convenient way to understand the étale fundamental group of projective spaces over finite fields, in particular, the étale fundamental group of $\mathbf{P}^2_{\mathbf{F}_q}$?
hennlu's user avatar
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Canonical étale path between a point and its ''nearby'' point

Consider the punctored line $X=\Bbb{A}^1_k\setminus \{s_1,\ldots,s_n\}$ over some field $k$. A(n étale) path in $X$ between two geometric points $x$ and $y$ is, by definition, an isomorphism between ...
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