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Solving Fractional Laplacian Equations with Boundary Condition

I'm attempting to solve a simple Dirichlet problem on the fractional Laplacian with boundary conditions: $r^{+}(\nabla^s) v = f$ where $0 \leq s \leq 1/2$, $v$ is zero outside of $[0,1]$, $r^{+}$ ...
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Dirichlet fractional Laplacian and zero boundary conditions

Does there exists a non-zero function $$f\in C_0([0,1]):=\{f:[0,1]\to \mathbb R:\ f\text{ is continuous and } f(0)=f(1)=0\},$$ such that $(-\Delta)^{\frac\alpha 2}f\in C_0([0,1]) $, where $(-\Delta)^{\...
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