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104 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Inverse Fourier transform of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\xi_1} + \xi_2}$

Consider the inverse Fourier transform of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{\xi_1} + \xi_2}$. My question is, how can we conclude about the decay properties, support and smoothness of the inverse Fourier transform? I ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Is Wiener amalgam spaces $W^{2,1}(\mathbb R)\subset C_0(\mathbb R)$?

I have been learning Wiener amalgam spaces. In Wiener amalgam spaces $W(X, L^2)$, I am taking $X=\mathcal{F}L^{1}=\{f\in L^{\infty}(\mathbb R):\hat{f}\in L^{1}\},$ and $m(x)=1.$ Take $f(x)= \chi_{\...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Two distribution spaces ${\mathcal S}'/{\mathcal P}$ and ${\mathcal S}_\infty'$

Let ${\mathcal S}'$ be the set of all distributions. Denote by ${\mathcal P}$ the set of all polynomials, which is embedded into ${\mathcal S}'$ as a closed subspace. Equip ${\mathcal S'}/{\mathcal P}$...
Yoshihiro Sawano's user avatar
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Help with notations from 2D to 3D FFT representations as 1D FFT

I have this question on mathematics forum too, Notations, I thought of posting here, which ever place I get an answer, I will try to close it in the other. I need some help and clarifications for my ...
Syed Alam Abbas's user avatar

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