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Where do uncountable models collapse to?

Suppose $T$ is a complete first-order theory (in an finite, or at worst countable, language). Given any model $\mathcal{M}\models T$ of cardinality $\kappa$, we can ask whether $\mathcal{M}$ can be ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
14 votes
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O-minimality and forcing

It is well-known that the structure $(\mathbb{R}, +, \cdot, <, 0, 1)$ is an o-minimal structure and hence the set of integers $\mathbb{Z}$ is not definable in it. In an ongoing project with Will ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
4 votes
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Generic two-cardinal behavior of first-order sentences

This is a hopefully improved version of a question I asked before and then deleted because it was based on some fundamentally incorrect assumptions. Some first-order theories are able to control the ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
3 votes
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Intuitionistic set-theoretic geology

Work in ZF, if there are proper class many supercompact cardinals, then all grounds are uniformly definable. Hence under reasonable assumption, we can have choiceless set-theoretic geology. But can we ...
Ember Edison's user avatar
2 votes
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Boolean-Valued Models vs. the Infinite-valued Logic of Lukasiewicz and set theory

Is anyone familiar with an old paper of C.C. Chang entitled "The Axiom of Comprehension in Infinite-Valued Logic" which shows that the Axiom of Comprehension without parameters is consistent in the ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
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What can be said about a Boolean-valued structure from what the Boolean-valued forcing extension thinks about it?

Suppose that $\phi$ is a formula in the language of set theory such that there are some $n_{1},...,n_{k}$ such that if $V\models\phi(x)$, then $x=(X,R_{1},...,R_{k})$ and $\mathrm{Eq}:X^{2}\...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar