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Roadmap to Floer homotopy theory?

I am a young postdoc working in symplectic topology. Recently I became intrigued by Floer homotopy, especially after seeing it had been applied to classical questions in symplectic topology. (e.g. ...
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SFT gluing on chain level in Floer homology?

I came across a new type of gluing in the FOOO paper (maybe not so new to experts). The situation is as follows: one considers a relative (to lagrangian) class and ...
Weiwei's user avatar
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Computation of the Fredhom index in Floer theory

I have been reading Salamon's lecture notes on Floer homology, and to compute the Fredholm index of operators they use the fact that the spectral flow of $A(s)$ is the Fredholm index. Now in the proof ...
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Writting the Floer map in local coordinates using the exponential chart

Following Salamon's Notes in Floer Homology , consider the Floer equation $$\mathcal{F}(u):=\partial_su+J_t(\partial_tu+\nabla H_t(u))=0$$ Then we can write in local coordinates $$\mathcal \Phi_u^{-1}(...
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What can be said about compact embedded exact Lagrangians in the generalized pair of pants?

What can be said about compact embedded exact Lagrangians in the $n$-dimensional generalized pair of pants e.g. the hypersurface in $(\mathbb{C}^*)^{n+1}$ defined by the equation: $$ 1+\Sigma_i z_i = ...
user36931's user avatar
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Continuation principle for solutions of Floer's equation in $\mathbb{R}\times [0,1]$ and transversality

Consider $(M,\omega)$ a symplectic manifold and $J$ a compatible almost complex structure. For me it's well known that if we consider 2 solutions $u,v:\mathbb{R}\times S^1\rightarrow M$ of Floer's ...
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Continuation map interpolating two quadratic Hamiltonians with respect to different contact boundaries

Let $(M,\lambda)$ be a Liouville manifold. Consider two different contact boundaries $\partial_{\infty}^1M$ and $\partial_{\infty}^2M$ with respect to the same Liouville flow $Z$. Each of them ...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Symplectic displacement energy for several intersection points?

Let $(X, \omega)$ be a symplectic manifold. For any non-empty subset $Y \subset X$ we may define the displacement energy as $$ e(Y)=\mathrm{inf}\{||\phi||_H \: | \phi \in Ham(X, \omega), \phi(Y) \cap ...
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$C^0$ estimates in wrapped Lagrangian Floer cohomology

Let $(M, d\theta, \theta, Z)$, be an exact Liouville domain, where $Z$ is the Liouville vector field and $\theta$ is the primitive of the symplectic form. Let $\bar{M}$, be the symplectic completion ...
user36931's user avatar
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Why should we restrict the multiplicitiy of hyperbolic orbit to be one in Embedded contact homology?

Embedded contact homology(abbreviated by ECH) is a Floer type theory specially designed for three dimensional contanct manifolds(or generally, manifold with stable Hamiltonian structure) invented by ...
ChoMedit's user avatar
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Product structures in Rabinowitz Floer homology

Let $(M,d\lambda)$ be a compact exact symplectic manifold and $\overline{M}$ its symplectic completion. For simplicity we can think of $\overline{M}$ has a cotangent bundle and $\partial M$ the sphere ...
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Compactness of Moduli spaces in Lagrangian Floer Cohomology

I have been reading Denis Aurox lecture notes on Fukaya Categories , and in page $9$ he starts to discuss the compactness properties of the moduli spaces and how we ...
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Using the removal of singularities theorem in $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1-\{0,\infty\}$ with lagrangian boundary conditions

Reading the paper "Floer Cohomology of Lagrangian intersections" the authors construct a map $f: \mathbb{R}^n \times [0,2^N]\rightarrow \mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$ such that $f(\tau,0)=f(\tau,2^...
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Definition of signs of isomorphisms $c_u : o(x_1) \to o(x_0)$ in the definition of Floer cohomology via Seidel's book

I'm reading Paul Seidel's book "Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefschetz Theory", chapter 12, and I'm currently trying to understand the differential on Floer cohomology in terms of ...
Matija Sreckovic's user avatar
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Lagrangian Floer theory for negative monotone symplectic manifolds and Lagrangians

In the paper "Floer cohomology of Lagrangian intersections and pseudo-holomorphic Disks I", Oh shows that for a compact monotone Lagrangian $L$ in a closed monotone symplectic manifold $M$ ...
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Index of Floer operator for Hamiltonian vs Lagrangian Floer Homology

I am trying to see if there is a way to translate the computation of the index of the Floer operator for Hamiltonian Floer to Lagrangian Floer. Hamiltonian Floer homology is a theory that counts (...
Y.H. Chan's user avatar
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Definition of Floer complex in Floer's "Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections"

I am moving the first steps into Lagrangian Floer theory and I am trying to understand the construction, as in the original paper, for the field $\mathbb{Z}_2$ (no orientations) and $\pi_2(P,L) = 0$. ...
EmarJ's user avatar
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Gluing of Morse-type trajectories in "Floer Homology of Cotangent bundles"

In the paper by A. Abbondadolo and M.Schwarz, "On the Floer homology of cotangent bundles" arXiv link, to prove the desired isomorphism between the Floer homology and the Morse homology of ...
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Gluing of hybrid trajectories in Floer homology

In the paper by A. Abbondadolo and M.Schwarz, "On the Floer homology of cotangent bundles" arXiv link, to prove the desired isomorphism between the Floer homology and the Morse homology of ...
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Compactness properties in floer homology of cotangent bundles in the non-periodic case

Following the paper I have been interested in studying the case of solutions $x:[0,1] \rightarrow T^*M$ such that $x(0)\in T_{q_0}^*M$ and $x(1)\in T_{q_1}^*M$ ...
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