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Density of first-order definable sets in a directed union of finite groups

This is a generalization of the following question by John Wiltshire-Gordon. Consider an inductive family of finite groups: $$ G_0 \hookrightarrow G_1 \hookrightarrow \ldots \hookrightarrow G_i \...
Gene S. Kopp's user avatar
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Growth of spheres in FINITE nilpotent groups - Gaussian approximation (central limit theorem)?

Standard setup. Consider a group and choose generators. Word-metric (or in the other words - distance on the Cayley graph of the group+generators) - converts a group into a metric space, which is ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Metrics on finite groups and generalizations of central limit theorems for balls volumes (à la Diaconis-Graham)

In wonderful lectures by P. Diaconis "Group representations in probability and statistics, Chapter 6. Metrics on Groups, and Their Statistical Use" metrics on permutation groups are considered and ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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How to choose N policemen positions to catch a drunk driver in the most effective way (on a Cayley graph of a finite group)?

Consider a Cayley graph of some big finite group. Consider random walk on such a graph - think of it as drunk driver. Fix some number $N$ which is much smaller than group size. Question 1: How to ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Distance distribution for Cayley graphs of the fintie Heisenberg groups H3(Z/nZ) approaches Gaussian for large "n"?

I wonder several questions about Cayley graphs of finite Heisenberg groups H3(Z/nZ). Question 1: do we know the diameter dependence on "n", at least for the standard choice of generators ? ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Width of symmetric groups

MSE crosspost For any (finite) group $G$ its length $l(G)$ is the length of maximal chain of proper subgroups (it's known and pretty widely used invariant). But we can also define width function $w_G(...
Denis T's user avatar
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Random walk on a finite group, converging modulo a function

Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $Q$ be a probability measure on $G$. Suppose that $Q$, as a function on $G$, is supported on a conjugacy class $C$. We denote by $Q^{*k}$ the $k$-fold convolution of ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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Can we generalize the concept of "characters" in group theory via methods from statistics and probability theory?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Cov{Cov}$Motivation: If $G$ is a finite group and $\phi=X+iY: G\to \mathbb{T}$ is a character of $G$, then $\Cov(X,Y)=0$ where $X$, $Y$ are considered as two real random ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Show that $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is quasi-random

Terry Tao gives this oblique definition of quasirandom group in his notes 3 $G$ is quasi-random (of order $D$) if all non-trivial unitary representations $\rho: G \to U(H)$ have dimension at least $...
john mangual's user avatar
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