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Computing the number of elementary abelian p-subgroups of rank 2 in $GL_{n}(\mathbb{F}_{p})$

Let $p$ be a prime number, and let $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ be a finite field of order $p$. Let $GL_{n}(\mathbb{F}_{p})$ denote the general linear group and $U_{n}$ denote the unitriangular group of $n\times ...
Nourddine Snanou's user avatar
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Frobenius formula

I know two formulas by the name of Frobenius. The first one computes the number $$\mathcal{N}(G;C_1,\dotsc,C_k):=|\{(c_1,\dotsc,c_k)\in C_1 \times \cdots \times C_k\:|\:c_1\cdots c_k=1\}|,$$ where $...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Numbers where there is a unique group with integral character table

Call a number $n$ special in case there is a unique group of order n whose character table consists of only integers. This should be equivalent to the condition that the number of conjugacy classes ...
Mare's user avatar
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How many conjugacy classes of elementary abelian subgroups of order $p^2$ does $\operatorname{GL}_{4}(\Bbb Z / p\Bbb Z)$ have?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}$Let $f\in \Hom((\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z)^2,\GL_{4}(\Bbb Z / p\Bbb Z))$ be an injective homomorphism. What is the number of ...
Nourddine Snanou's user avatar
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scalar multiple of Young symmetrizer

The following is a lemma from Fulton and Harris' book -Representation theory,a first course (page 53): Lemma: For all $x\in \mathbb{C}\mathfrak{S}_r$, $c_{\lambda}\cdot x\cdot c_{\lambda}= scalar \;...
yang's user avatar
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Scalars by which symmetrizations of cyclic permutations act on Specht modules

Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group. Pick $a \in 2,\ldots,n$ and denote by $c_a \in \mathbb{C}[S_n]$ the symmetrization of the element $(12\ldots a)$ i.e. $c_a$ is the sum of cycles of type $a$. Let $\...
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