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Under what conditions on $A$ and $v$ is the size of the sumset $v \cdot A + A$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ equal or close to $|A|^2$?

Let $p$ be a prime, let $A$ be a subset of $\mathbb{F}_p$, and let $v \in \mathbb{F}_p \setminus \{0\}$. Under what conditions is $|v \cdot A + A|$ (that is, $|\{ va + b : a \in A,\ b \in A \}|$) ...
Daira-Emma Hopwood's user avatar
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Representation of a finite group over a finite field from rational representations

Suppose $G$ is a the cyclic group of $n$ elements and $p$ is a prime not in $n$. $G$ has an action on the cyclotomic field as a $\mathbb{Q}$-vector space $\mathbb{Q}[X] / \langle \Phi_n(X) \rangle$ by ...
Breakfastisready's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the minimum $k$ such that $A^k \equiv I$ mod p for invertible matrices?

Let $F$ be a finite field of order $p$, where $p$ is prime. For any $n\times n$ matrix $A$ that is invertible over $F$, then there would appear to exist integers $k$ such that $A^{k} = I$. My question ...
Joe Fitzsimons's user avatar
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On equality of two quotients of a congruence subgroup

Related question: Non-torsion part of the abelianisation of congruence subgroups Let $A = \mathbb{F}_q[T]$ be the ring of polynomials with coefficients in a finite field, with $N$ a nonconstant ...
Liam Baker's user avatar
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Large gaps in Singer planar difference sets?

By a classical result of Singer (1938), for a prime number $p$ the cyclic group $C_n$ of order $n=1+p+p^2$ contains a subset $D$ of cardinality $|D|=1+p$ such that $DD^{-1}=C_n$. Such set $D$ is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Exceptional isomorphisms between finite simple Chevalley groups

Steinberg's "Lectures on Chevalley Groups" contain ``a complete list of isomorphisms" among the various finite simple Chevalley ...
Yuri Zarhin's user avatar
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Representation of GL(n, F_p) over F_p, for n small

The question is related to this post Representation theory of the general linear group over a finite prime field However, I am asking for more detailed references for n small, for example, for n=2, ...
H. Gao's user avatar
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