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Almost blocking sets in $\mathbb F_q^2$

$\newcommand{\F}{{\mathbb F}}$ Let $q$ be an odd prime power. A blocking set in the affine plane $\F_q^2$ is a set blocking (meeting) every line. A union of two non-parallel lines is a blocking set ...
Seva's user avatar
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Arrangement of subspaces over finite fields

I'm trying to find out what is already known about the following setup. Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional vector space over a finite field $F_q$ (I'm mostly interested in the case where $q$ is prime), and ...
user38495's user avatar
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Intersection of two trace equations over finite fields

Let $F_q$ be a finite field with $q$ elements. Let $n$ be an integer and $Tr:F_{q^n} \rightarrow F_q$ the trace function. My question is: For which integer $k$, $$\{x: Tr(x)=0\}\cap\{x: Tr(x^k)=0\}=\{...
Joe Zhou's user avatar
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Different powers of a primitive root simultaneously lying in a subspace

Let $p$ be a large prime and let $\alpha$ be a root of a primitive quadratic polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Let $N$ be an integer parameter of size proportional to $p$ and $$V = \{\alpha + b : b \in \...
George Shakan's user avatar
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Enumerating certain types of permutation polynomials

Given a prime power $q$, I would like to enumerate (preferably up to isomorphism*) all the permutation polynomials $f(x)$ on $K = GF(q^3)$ satisfying the following conditions: $f(ax) = af(x)$ for all ...
Anurag's user avatar
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