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Questions tagged [fewnomial]

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19 votes
3 answers

What is the shortest polynomial divisible by $(x-1)(y-1)(x^2y-1)$

I am interested in polynomials with few terms ("short polynomials", "fewnomials") in ideals. A simple to state question is Given an ideal $I\subset k[x_1,\dots,x_n]$, what is the shortest polynomial ...
Thomas Kahle's user avatar
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2 votes
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Unboundedness of number of solutions of intersection of bivariate polynomial with graph of function from an o-minimal structure

I am trying to understand a construction sketched in the paper by Gwozdziewicz, Kurdyka and Parusinski in the Proceedings of the AMS 1999 (paper here) and I'd like to request some help. The ...
Abhiram Natarajan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Multiplicity of roots of a fewnomial

It is easy to show that a complex polynomial with $N$ non-zero coefficients cannot have a non-zero root of multiplicity $N$ or more. Is there any standard name / reference for this fact? Also, ...
W-t-P's user avatar
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