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Which of these 4 definitions of Galois coverings of integral schemes are equivalent?

Here are four possible definitions for an etale, finite, surjective map $X\rightarrow Y$ between integral schemes to be considered Galois: There exists a finite group $G$, and an action $\varphi: G\...
Quinlan Aktaş's user avatar
5 votes
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To what extent are geometric methods being used to attack the inverse Galois problem?

My limited knowledge so far is that some groups have been constructed geometrically using the theory of covering spaces, then applying Hilbert irreducibility. Is there a deeper way in which inverse ...
Nicolas Banks's user avatar
3 votes
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An Explicit Example of Galois Theory for Schemes

I'm currently attempting to understand Galois theory for schemes, largely following the books Galois Theory for Schemes by Henrik Lenstra and Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups by Tamas Szamuely. ...
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