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Maximizing Renyi entropy for a certain channel

The channel under consideration is $T = A + B$, where $A$ and $B$ take on values in $\{0, 1\}$ according to a probability mass function. Let (joint) random vector $(A_1, A_2,\ldots, A_n)$ be denoted ...
gandalfthegreat's user avatar
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A distribution $\pi \propto \exp(-f)$ satisfies log-Sobolev inequality, does $\exp(-af)$ also satisfy LSI?

Assume a distribution $\pi \propto e^{-f}$ satisfies log-Sobolev inequality (LSI) $$\forall \rho \in P(\mathbb{R}^n), \quad KL(\rho\| \pi) \le \frac{1}{2\lambda} I(\rho \| \pi)$$ with LSI constant $\...
JIaojiao Fan's user avatar