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Continuum of Lagrange multipliers, duality gap, and minimax theorem

Suppose I have a linear optimization problem involving random variables on some (infinite) probability space $\Omega$. For example, need to maximize expectation $E[Q]$ of random variable $Q$ subject ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Legendre transform on signed measure space

Let $X$ be an open set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $M(X)$ be the space of finite signed measures defined on $X$. $L(p)$ is a lower-semicontinuous convex functional defined on $M(X)$. My question is: (1) ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Conjugate of composition in Bochner spaces

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space (of non-zero dimension), let $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$ be a finite measure space, and let $L^2(\mu;H)$ be the Bochner-space $\mu$-integrable $H$-valued functions. ...
Catologist_who_flies_on_Monday's user avatar
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A strong duality for convex functional optimization that admits Lipschitz continuity constraints?

Problem Statement I am looking for formal proof---hopefully textbook material---of two items: an analogue to Slater's condition [1] that obtains strong duality for optimization of convex functionals; ...
Kyle Treleaven's user avatar
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Weak relaxation of a strongly lower semi-continuous functional

Let $F$ be a lower semicontinuous functional on a Banach space $X$, wrt its strong topology. Is there a known form for the relaxation (lower semicontinuous envelope) of $F$ with respect to the weak ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Proving the existence of a dual for an infinite linear program

I am concerned with proving the existence of the dual of an infinite linear program. In addition to the writings of Rockafellar, Luenberger, and Boyd & Vandenberghe on: subdifferentials, Legendre-...
teddy's user avatar
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Dual representation of problems involving $f$-divergences

Studying some problems arising in decision-making under model uncertainty, I'm led to consider the following problems. Let $\mathbb E_P$ and $\mathbb V_P$ denote the expectation and variance ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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How do I find the Rockafellar-Fenchel dual derivation of reguarlized objective function?

I'm stuck finding the dual of this optimization problem: $$ \max_{\tilde{u},\tilde{v}} \int \left( \frac{1}{2}\left\|x\right\|^2 + \tilde{u}(x)\right) \, ds(x) + \int \left( \frac{1}{2}\left\|y\right\|...
Kashif's user avatar
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Is $(K^*)^{**}=(K^{**})^*$ for any cone $K$?

I'm considering the dual cone $K^*$ of a non-convex cone $K$. I came up with a theory that $K^{**}$ is the closure of convex hull of $K$. Then I wonder whether $(K^*)^{**}=(K^{**})^*$ holds for any ...
Dong Ganzhe's user avatar
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Discrete primal-duality in optimization

I would like to inquire about the existence of something perhaps similar to the duality theorem in the convex analysis or convex programming in the discrete setting. Here is a concrete example. Let $...
Hans's user avatar
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