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Is it always true that the complement of an ample divisor is affine?

Consider a proper and integral scheme $X\rightarrow\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ over a Noetherian ring $A$ and $D\in\operatorname{Div}(X)$ an effective ample Cartier divisor on $X$. Is it true that its ...
Kheled-zâram's user avatar
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Structure of the big cone and Seshadri constant on Fano manifolds

I would like to know something about the following two questions. Given $X$ Fano manifold and $L$ an ample line bundle on $X$, we define \begin{gather} \sigma(L,x):=\sup\{t>0\, :\, \mu^{*}L-tE \,\,...
Trusio's user avatar
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$H$ very ample, $f$ finite, is there uniform $C=C(\mathrm{deg}(f))$ for $C f^* H$ very ample?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be normal projective varieties over $\mathbb{C}$ of dimension $n$. Let $f: X \rightarrow Y$ be a finite morphism. Also, let $H$ be a very ample divisor on $Y$. Is there a constant $C=...
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