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Calculating a relaxed Delaunay Triangulation

The triangles of a planar Delaunay Triangulations are essentially characterized by the property that no triangle's corner is inside another triangle's circumcircle; Delaunay Triangulations can be ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Existence of a "generic enough" lattice point interior to a lattice triangle

Let $T$ be a lattice triangle in $\Bbb R^2$ (i.e. the convex hull of three noncolinear points in $\Bbb Z^2$), and assume it has at least one interior lattice point. Is it always possible to find a ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Is every triangulation the projection of a convex hull

Question: given the triangulation $T$ of a set $P$ of $n$ points $p_1,\dots,p_n$ in the euclidean plane whose convex hull is a triangle, can we always find a set $Q$ of $n+1$ points $q_0,q_1,\dots,q_n$...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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