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31 votes
2 answers

The Sylvester-Gallai theorem over $p$-adic fields

The famous Sylvester-Gallai theorem states that for any finite set $X$ of points in the plane $\mathbf{R}^2$, not all on a line, there is a line passing through exactly two points of $X$. What ...
François Brunault's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Fano plane drawings: embedding PG(2,2) into the real plane

By a drawing of the Fano plane I mean a system of seven simple curves and seven points in the real plane such that every point lies on exactly three curves, and every curve contains exactly three ...
Seva's user avatar
  • 23k
7 votes
1 answer

When is a 0-1 matrix a one-intersection incidence matrix?

The following problem is what motivated my previous MO question. It is easily seen that for any given 0-1 matrix $M$, one can always find a set $\mathcal P$ of points, and a set $\mathcal C$ of simple ...
Seva's user avatar
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