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Converse theorem for zeta universality

Voronin's Universality Theorem for $\zeta(s)$ is that the zeta function can uniformly approximate any non-vanishing holomorphic function to any degree of accuracy in the right-half of the critical ...
modperspec's user avatar
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Equivalence of Euler products of Dirichlet series and Meromorphic continuation

Suppose $(f_n(s))_n$ and $(g_n(s))_n$ are two sequences of Dirichlet series with positive coefficients such that $\exists \alpha\in\mathbb R$ such that for all $s\in\mathbb C$ with $\Re(s)>\alpha$ ...
kneidell's user avatar
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Characterization of turning points for the Ramanujan's zeta function in the spirit of a definition by Arias de Reyna and van de Lune

In [1] the authors provided a definition and characterization of turning points for the Riemann's zeta function. In this post I denote the Ramanujan's zeta function as $$\varphi(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty\...
user142929's user avatar