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Groups of conformal isomorphisms of simply connected surfaces

By the uniformization theorem every connected and simply connected surface $M$ is conformally equivalent to one of the following three surfaces: open disk $D$, complex plane $\mathbb{C}$, or $2$-...
Sergiy Maksymenko's user avatar
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Relationship between two kinds of classifications of Riemann surfaces

There are two kinds of classifications of Riemann surfaces. Classification 1: Let $M$ be a Riemann surface. We will call $M$: elliptic iff $M$ is compact (= closed); parabolic iff $M$ is not compact ...
gaoqiang's user avatar
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Triangulating Riemann surfaces by using non-constant meromorphic functions

Let $X$ be a connected Riemann surface, i.e. $X$ is a one dimensional connected complex manifold (Hausdorff and second-countable as a topological space). The following is a classical result: Theorem (...
John117's user avatar
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Notational question about quadratic differentials in Strebel's book "Quadratic differentials"

In Kurt Strebel's book "Quadratic Differentials", in Chapter 2, $\S4$, he begins by saying: "Every analytic function $\varphi$ is a domain $G$ of the $z$-plane defines, in a natural way, a field of ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Criterion for deciding the conformal class of a metric on a complete surface

For orientable closed Riemannian surfaces $(S,g)$, there is a constant curvature metric $\overline{g}$ on $S$ that is conformal to $g$ in the sense that $\overline{g} = e^ug$ for some smooth function $...
jef808's user avatar
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Coordinate charts on converging Riemann surfaces

Let $S$ be a $2-$dim manifold and $q \in S$. Furthermore, let $j_{n}$ be a sequence of complex structures on $S$ converging in $C^{\infty}_{\text{loc}}$ to a complex structure $j$ on $S$ as $n\...
Tobias's user avatar
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existence of positive curved line bundles on a compact Riemann surface

Can anyone suggest a proof of the existence of positive line bundles on a compact Riemann surface, avoiding Hodge decomposition. (I am aware of the method in Dror Varolin's book, but I consider that ...
Koushik's user avatar
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Characterization of the moduli space of the pair of pants in terms of the modules of the extremal ring domains

Hi, I was thinking about the following question ; I will appreciate it if somebody can give me a full or partial answer or can at least cite any reference(s)/ papers etc : By $ \bar{P} $ , we ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Dolbeault cohomology

Hello I am trying to get a good book that explains the Dolbeault Cohomology, does anyone know of a good one?
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