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Connections in the setting of algebraic geometry

My level is at the beginning of a second year master. I'm interested in the project of translating some features of differential geometry to algebraic geometry. I'd like to know if there is an ...
JJacques Brahim's user avatar
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What exactly is the relationship between an Ehresmann connection and splitting of the jet sequence?

An Ehresmann connection on a vector bundle $\pi : E \to X$ is a splitting of the sequence, $$ 0 \to V \to TE \to \pi^* TX \to 0 $$ which respects the linear structure on $E$ (meaning the section is ...
Ben C's user avatar
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Is there an analog of the Levi–Civita connection for schemes?

Is there an analog of the Levi–Civita connection for schemes? There exists algebraic de Rham theory, $n$-forms on vector bundles (algebraically), and familiar constructions from differential geometry....
Plank's user avatar
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Coincide between Chern-connection and Levi-Civita connection

I am a beginner in complex geometry and I am going to show Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$ and the Chern connection $D$ are the same on the holomorphic tangent bundle $T^{1,0}M$ on Kahler manifold. By ...
James Chiu's user avatar
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Flat Principal Connections and Homotopy Groups?

I've come across a comment in a paper that hints at a relation between the set of (flat) connections for a principal bundle and the homotopy group of the base of the bundle. Can anyone tell me what ...
Abtan Massini's user avatar
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A struggle with jets and Grothendieck vs Ehresmann connections

Let $X\to Y$ be a $C^\infty$ submersion. Consider the following two sheaves. The sheaf on $Y$ comprised of jets of sections of $X\to Y$. The sheaf on $X$ given by the quotient of $\Delta_{X/Y}^{-1}C^\...
Arrow's user avatar
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Metric, torsion free connections on principal bundles

I hope this is not too elementary, but I have asked this question at the math.stack site, but I have obtained no answers. Let $F(M)$ be the frame bundle of a $n$-dimensional differentiable manifold $...
Bilateral's user avatar
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Katz's paper on $p$-curvature – help with proof understanding

I am studying N. Katz's paper "Nilpotent connections and the monodromy theorem: applications of a result of Turrittin" where I found a fairly good account on $p$-curvatures. I don't understand the ...
Conjecture's user avatar
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Characterisation of (integrable) connections on (trivial) principal bundle

Let $M$ be a manifold. Let $G$ be a Lie group and $\mathfrak{g}$ be its Lie algebra. Let $P(M,G)$ be a principal bundle. Recall that, a connection on $P(M,G)$ is a distribution $\mathcal{H}\subseteq ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Can logarithmic connection on holomorphic vector bundle induce logarithmic connection on dual bundle?

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a compact K"ahler manifold of dimension $n$, and let $D=\sum_{i=1}^r D_i$ be a simple normal crossing divisor on it, i.e., a divisor with smooth components $D_i$ intersecting ...
Invariance's user avatar