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Generating functions for Hankel determinants of Catalan numbers

The Hankel determinants of the Catalan numbers are well known and can be written as $d(k,n)= \det \left( C_{k + i + j} \right)_{i,j = 0}^{n - 1}=\prod_{i=1}^{k-1}\frac{\binom{2n+2j}{j}}{\binom{2j}{j}}$...
Johann Cigler's user avatar
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How to calculate one Cauchy type determinant

As we know, a Cauchy determinant of size n admits the following explicit formula: $$\det \left(\frac{1}{x _i+y _j}\right) _{1\le i,j \le n}=\frac{\prod _{1\le i < j\le n} (x _j-x _i)(y _j-y _i)}{\...
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