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Examples of tensor-triangulated categories not satisfying the local-to-global principle

From now on, we will consider only rigid-compactly generated tensor-triangulated categories. Let $(\mathcal{T}, \otimes, 1)$ be one of these categories, it is known that the thick tensor ideals of ...
N.B.'s user avatar
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Homotopy pullback is right adjoint in the derived category

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a map of CW-complexes with continuous maps as morphisms. How would one show that homotopy pullback $\mathcal D/Y → \mathcal D/X$ is right adjoint? Here $\mathcal D$ is the derived ...
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Invariants of objects in $\operatorname{Ch}(\mathrm{Ab})$ up to chain homotopy

$\newcommand\Ab{\mathrm{Ab}}\newcommand\ab{\mathrm{ab}}\DeclareMathOperator\Ch{Ch}\DeclareMathOperator\Kom{Kom}\newcommand\ho{\mathrm{ho}}$Let $\Ab$ be the category of finitely generated abelian ...
Student's user avatar
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Computations in condensed mathematics, page 32-34

I started reading the Lectures on Condensed Mathematics. I am looking at the material at page 32-34. I have three fundamental computation questions: At the last line of pg 32 - it seems to imply that ...
Bryan Shih's user avatar
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On the link between homology and homotopy

In the last semester I learned homological algebra and higher category theory/homotopy theory. But I am kind of confused when I try to really understand the link between the two subjects (this is ...
Amos Kaminski's user avatar
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Computation on homotopy colimit cocomplete triangulated categories

I have a couple of questions about dealing with homotopy (co)limits cocomplete triangulated categories. Question I:The first one concerns a comment by Peter Arndt in this discussion about derived ...
user267839's user avatar
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Constructing functorial homotopies in derived infinity-category

I'm interested in the following problem : let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $\infty$-category and $\mathcal{D}:=D_\infty(\mathbb{Z})$ the derived $\infty$-category of abelian groups. Consider functors $A, B, C ,...
Adrien MORIN's user avatar
7 votes
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Derived symmetric powers and determinants

Given a vector bundle $V$ (on a scheme $X$, say), I can form $Sym(V[1])$, the symmetric algebra (in the derived/graded sense) on the shift of $V$; in other words this is the Koszul complex of the zero ...
Tom Bachmann's user avatar
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11 votes
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Derived base change in étale cohomology

Given a commutative square of ringed topoi $$\begin{array}{ccc}X'\!\! & \overset{f'}\to & Y'\!\! \\ \!\!\!\!\!{\small g'}\downarrow & & \downarrow{\small g}\!\!\!\! \\ X & \...
R. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
10 votes
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$\infty$-categorical understanding of Bridgeland stability?

On triangulated categories we have a notion of Bridgeland stability conditions. Is there any known notion of "derived stability conditions" on a stable $\infty$-category $C$ such that they become ...
dumb's user avatar
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Dualizable objects in homotopy category of chain complexes

The proposition 1.9 from "Duality, Trace and Transfer" by Dold and Puppe states that: Given a commutative ring $R$, a chain complex of $R$-modules is strongly dualizable in $Ho(Ch(R))$, the homotopy ...
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Spectral sequence for tensor product of complexes

Let $X$ be a scheme, $K^{\bullet}$ and $P^{\bullet}$ bounded complexes of abelian sheaves on $X_{\rm ét}$. I want to compute the hypercohomology: $$\mathbb{H}^*(X_{\rm ét}, K^{\bullet}\otimes^L_{\...
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17 votes
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Constructive homological algebra in HoTT

I'm curious how much of homological algebra carries over to a constructive setting, like say HoTT (or some other variety of intensional type theory) without AC or excluded middle. There doesn't seem ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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What is a triangle?

So I've been reading about derived categories recently (mostly via Hartshorne's Residues and Duality and some online notes), and while talking with some other people, I've realized that I'm finding it ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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In which sense is the relativization functor "preferred"?

In A characterization of simplicial localization functors and a discussion of DK equivalences Barwick and Kan state that, while there is no preferred localization functor from relative categories to ...
Adrian Clough's user avatar
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Defining hom spaces in the derived category as limits of hom spaces in the homotopy category

Let $C$ be an abelian category and $K(C)$ the homotopy category of complexes in $C$. I've seen the following claimed in several sources (without proof): A. The following isomorphisms hold: $$\...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Reference for comparison of heart cohomology with standard cohomology

I'm looking for a reference for the following fact (which I believe to be true and should be easy for people who understand how spectral sequences arise from filtrations). Let A,B be two hearts of ...
bananastack's user avatar
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What (if anything) unifies stable homotopy theory and Grothendieck's six functors formalism?

I know of two very general frameworks for describing generalizations of what a "cohomology theory" should be: Grothendieck's "six functors", and the theory of spectra. In the former, one assigns to ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Is the injective structure on unbounded chain complexes simplicial?

In Mark Hovey's article Model category structures on chain complexes of sheaves (arXiv:math/9909024) a model structure on the category $Ch(A)$ of unbounded chain complexes for a Grothendieck abelian ...
sopot's user avatar
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Are constructible derived categories invariant up to weak homotopy equivalence?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two topological spaces and $R$ be commutative ring. Let $D_c^b(X, R)$ and $D_c^b(Y,R)$ be their respective bounded derived categories of constructible sheaves of $R$-modules. I ...
deltmu's user avatar
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D(R) versus Ho(HR)?

Given an algebraic ring, how is its derived category related to the homotopy category of HR modules? Thanks. This is essentially a reference request, since I know there may be a lot (or nothing) to ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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derived functors and triangulated categories

If you derive a right exact functor $F$ you get a functor normally denoted by $RF$ on the derived category. Similarly, if you start with a left exact functor $G$ you get a functor normally denoted by $...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Closed Model Category Structure on Chain Complexes Related to A Left-exact Functor

Let $F:A \to B$ be an additive left-exact functor of abelian categories (Do not assume that they have enough injectives / projectives.) Suppose we are given a class of objects $R$ adapted to $F$ (see ...
Mikhail Gudim's user avatar
15 votes
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Intuition about the triangulation of a homotopy category K(A)

Let $\cal{A}$ be an additive category. Given a morphism of (cochain) complexes $f:X\rightarrow Y$ we can form the mapping cone $C_f$, which is the complex $X[1]\oplus Y$ with differential given by $$\...
Beren Sanders's user avatar
11 votes
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Compact generation for modular representations

Are the derived categories of modular representations of algebraic groups compactly generated? (e.g. consider SL_2 in characteristic 2). Note modular reps of finite groups are compactly generated (by ...
David Ben-Zvi's user avatar
36 votes
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How to think about model categories?

I've read about model categories from an Appendix to one of Lurie's papers. What are the examples of model categories? What should be my intuition about them? E.g. I understand the typical examples ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
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Higher vanishing cycles

The generalisation of the vanishing cycle formalism in SGA 7 is apparently since the 1970's an issue, Morava mentioned a connection with Bousfield localization. I find the Morava's remarks un-...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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$E_\infty$ spectrum corresponding to $\Bbb Z_p$

First of the questions about derived algebraic geometry from a noobie. The way I understand it, every discrete ring $R$ corresponds to some ring spectrum whose $\pi_0$ is $R$. Now consider $p$-adic ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar