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Resource request (probability theory, computability theory, algebra)

I'm a first year graduate student trying to explore specific topics I might be interested in researching. Currently, I enjoy algebra, probability theory, and the computability theory side of logic, ...
modz's user avatar
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Is the probability distribution of a graphon given as a graph limit computable?

Let $G_i$ be a sequence of finite graphs that is Cauchy in the space of graphons. That is, for every $\epsilon \in \mathbb Q_+$ there is a $N \in \mathbb N$ such that $$\forall n, m > N. \delta_\...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Computationally random bitstreams and normalcy

Let $\mathbb{N}$ denote the set of non-negative integers. We can identify every bitstream, i.e. a function $s:\mathbb{N}\to \{0,1\}$, with some $A\in{\cal P}(\mathbb{N})$: take $A = s^{-1}(\{1\})$. ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Which distributions can you sample if you can sample a Gaussian?

Explicitly: You have a computer that is able to pick a real number at random according to the normal distribution: $\mathcal{N}(0,1) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2}$. Which distributions can this ...
Alex Zorn's user avatar
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Is There An Algorithmic Complexity Of A Random Distribution

Has anyone studied an equivalent to algorithmic complexity for probability distributions? This would be a measure which was similar to Kolmogorov complexity but look at the complexity of a (discreet ...
Joseph Soulbringer's user avatar
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Savings property: A transformation which turns nonnegative martingales into uniformly integrable ones

Background I work in a subfield of computability theory called algorithmic randomness. We have been using martingales as long as probability theory (going back to work of von Mises). However, since ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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Is a parametric family which is universally consistent for multiple quantiles impossible?

Suppose I am dead-set on using Bayesian inference on independent and identically distributed data, but I'm lazy and insist on using a parametric likelihood function come what may. I'd be reassured to ...
R Hahn's user avatar
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An eventually different function adding no Solovay real nor dominating function?

Definitions I believe set theorists have studied all of the following three notions in the context of forcing extensions of a model of ZFC, $M$ (hopefully the terminology is the standard one). A ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
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What is the probability a random Turing machine is isomorphic to a DFA?

This is a sort of Chaitin/Omega constant type question, and so I do not expect this probability to be computable to arbitrary precision. However, it is also a very practical thing to know from the ...
Mikola's user avatar
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Are there nonequivalent randomnesses?

There are nonequivalent geometries, nonequivalent groups finite and infinite, nonequivalent logics ( fregean and nofregean, even nonequivalent logicians;-) ...
kakaz's user avatar
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