I'm a first year graduate student trying to explore specific topics I might be interested in researching. Currently, I enjoy algebra, probability theory, and the computability theory side of logic, and was wondering if I could find something nestled in the intersection of these fields. I know of some overlap between algebra and probability (such as probabilistic number theory or random matrices) but I was curious if there happened to be a topic involving all three. I don't know if such an intersection would even make sense- my novice brain can't imagine the depths of these fields yet- but if anyone out there happens to have experience in this space and/or has read a piece they really enjoyed (that I could feasibly digest in finite time), I would very much appreciate some pointers.
tl;dr: I'm looking for any sort of book/lecture notes/learning material that looks at probability theory and computability theory being used together to answer algebraic types of questions or algorithms (algebraic being vague, for example it could be number theory, combinatorics, discrete math, etc.)