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4 votes
1 answer

Word combinatorics terminology question

I'm looking for the name of what I suspect must be a standard property, and also for a possible statement about that property. First the property: $W=a_0\ldots a_{n-1}$ has this property if for all $1\...
1 vote
1 answer

Terminology for set of infinite strings with a certain prefix

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a finite alphabet, and let $C$ be the Cantor space $\mathcal{A}^\omega$ under the product topology. Given a finite string $s \in \mathcal{A}^*$, let $C(s)$ be the set of all ...
3 votes
5 answers

Strings and "co-subsequences"

Let $S$ be a string over some alphabet $\Sigma$. It is well known that a substring of $S$ is commonly defined as a sequence of contiguous elements from $S$, while a subsequence of $S$ is a sequence ...